Programming Decisions with Coq's Sumbools
Today, let's investigate the sumbool type. This post follows the one on the sig type. It is also a Coq development available on-line. All the disclaimers still apply here (coq-beginner, nothing “new”, etc.).
The sumbool Type
It is defined in the Specif module. sumbool ‘is a boolean type equipped with the justification of their value’: Indeed, like bool and many other 2-constructors types it can use the “if ... then ... else ...” construct; with the Add Printing If it is also printed this way.
Inductive sumbool (A B:Prop) : Set :=
| left : A -> {A} + {B}
| right : B -> {A} + {B}
where "{ A } + { B }" := (sumbool A B) : type_scope.
Add Printing If sumbool.
| left : A -> {A} + {B}
| right : B -> {A} + {B}
where "{ A } + { B }" := (sumbool A B) : type_scope.
Add Printing If sumbool.
It is used everywhere in Coq's standard library. Just by importing standard lists, we get quite a bunch of decision procedures: The search gives about 100 lines of output. Let's have a closer look at one of them:
Set Implicit Arguments.
Require Import List.
SearchAbout sumbool.
Require Import List.
SearchAbout sumbool.
Check Compare_dec.zerop.
Compare_dec.zerop : forall n : nat, {n = 0} + {0 < n}We can use it in programs:
Eval compute in (if Compare_dec.zerop 42 then 51 else 69).
= 69 : natand extraction works as expected:
Extraction Compare_dec.zerop.
(** val zerop : nat -> sumbool **) let zerop = function | O -> Left | S n0 -> Right
Note that it can be made more practical:
Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
Extraction Compare_dec.zerop.
Extraction Compare_dec.zerop.
(** val zerop : nat -> bool **) let zerop = function | O -> true | S n0 -> false
In proofs, sumbool gives us something more: the “justifications”. Let's compare it with this classical bool version: If we are proving something (even stupid): There, we have a hypothesis in the context (i.e. as a Prop with Coq's default “=”): Whereas with bool_zerop: we don't have the knowledge:
Definition bool_zerop (n : nat) :=
match n with
| O => true
| S _ => false
match n with
| O => true
| S _ => false
Goal (if (Compare_dec.zerop 42) then 51 else 69) = 69.
destruct (Compare_dec.zerop 42).
destruct (Compare_dec.zerop 42).
e : 42 = 0 ============================ 51 = 69So, that's easy.
inversion e.
(* Proof completed. *)
(* Proof completed. *)
Goal (if (bool_zerop 42) then 51 else 69) = 69.
destruct (bool_zerop 42).
destruct (bool_zerop 42).
============================ 51 = 69It is not impossible (requires a remember, and then a few theorems) but much more tedious.
Before going further, let's add a few notations:
Notation "'Decide_left'" := (left _ _).
Notation "'Decide_right'" := (right _ _).
Notation "'Decide_with' x" :=
(if x then Decide_left else Decide_right) (at level 42).
Notation "'Decide_right'" := (right _ _).
Notation "'Decide_with' x" :=
(if x then Decide_left else Decide_right) (at level 42).
A Schoolbook Example
The common example is the decision about equality of natural numbers eq_nat_dec (also explained in CPDT). The fixpoint just compares the numbers like anyone would do. All the goals generated by refine are equalities and non-equalities, they can be solved by the congruence tactic which ‘is a decision procedure for ground equalities with uninterpreted symbols’.
Definition eq_nat_dec : forall n m : nat, {n = m} + {n <> m}.
refine (fix f (n m : nat) : {n = m} + {n <> m} :=
match n, m with
| O, O => Decide_left
| S n', S m' => Decide_with (f n' m')
| _, _ => Decide_right
end); congruence.
refine (fix f (n m : nat) : {n = m} + {n <> m} :=
match n, m with
| O, O => Decide_left
| S n', S m' => Decide_with (f n' m')
| _, _ => Decide_right
end); congruence.
Let's make a few tests:
Eval compute in eq_nat_dec 42 42.
= Decide_left : {42 = 42} + {42 <> 42}
Eval compute in eq_nat_dec 42 51.
= Decide_right : {42 = 51} + {42 <> 51}and have a look at some OCaml code:
Extract Inductive sumbool => "bool" ["true" "false"].
Extraction eq_nat_dec.
Extraction eq_nat_dec.
(** val eq_nat_dec : nat -> nat -> bool **) let rec eq_nat_dec n m = match n with | O -> (match m with | O -> true | S n0 -> false) | S n' -> (match m with | O -> false | S m' -> eq_nat_dec n' m')
For automatically dealing with this kind of functions, there is a tactic called decide equality. It solves ‘a goal of the form forall x y:R, {x=y}+{~x=y}, where R is an inductive type such that its constructors do not take proofs or functions as arguments, nor objects in dependent types’: In this case, the code is as beautiful as before:
Definition eq_nat_autodec (n m : nat) : {n = m} + {n <> m}.
decide equality.
decide equality.
Extraction eq_nat_autodec.
(** val eq_nat_autodec : nat -> nat -> bool **) let rec eq_nat_autodec n m0 = match n with | O -> (match m0 with | O -> true | S n0 -> false) | S n0 -> (match m0 with | O -> false | S n1 -> eq_nat_autodec n0 n1)
Decisions on Character Strings
Let's try to do something with the sumbool type … In the same time, we start exploring some stuff from the standard library: Ascii and String. It gives us where So, strings here are lists of 8-bits integers, lower bits on the left.
Require Import Ascii String.
Inductive string : Set :=
| EmptyString : string
| String : ascii -> string -> string.
| EmptyString : string
| String : ascii -> string -> string.
Inductive ascii : Set := Ascii (_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ : bool).
Definition zero :=
Ascii false false false false false false false false.
Definition one :=
Ascii true false false false false false false false.
Definition zero :=
Ascii false false false false false false false false.
Definition one :=
Ascii true false false false false false false false.
The String Equality
Let's write string_eq_dec, the equality between strings, using the lower-lever ascii_dec:
Check ascii_dec.
ascii_dec : forall a b : ascii, {a = b} + {a <> b}
Definition string_eq_dec:
forall sa sb : string, { sa = sb } + { sa <> sb }.
refine (fix frec (sa sb : string):
{ sa = sb } + { sa <> sb } :=
match sa with
| EmptyString =>
match sb with
| EmptyString => Decide_left
| String _ _ => Decide_right
| String ch_a tl_a =>
match sb with
| EmptyString => Decide_right
| String ch_b tl_b =>
if ascii_dec ch_a ch_b
then Decide_with (frec tl_a tl_b)
else Decide_right
end); congruence.
forall sa sb : string, { sa = sb } + { sa <> sb }.
refine (fix frec (sa sb : string):
{ sa = sb } + { sa <> sb } :=
match sa with
| EmptyString =>
match sb with
| EmptyString => Decide_left
| String _ _ => Decide_right
| String ch_a tl_a =>
match sb with
| EmptyString => Decide_right
| String ch_b tl_b =>
if ascii_dec ch_a ch_b
then Decide_with (frec tl_a tl_b)
else Decide_right
end); congruence.
Here one single decide equality does not seem to be enough, but repeating it gives something: The problem is that the repeat goes too far inside the Ascii characters. It gives an ugly piece of code comparing every single bit of Ascii character:
Definition string_eq_autodec:
forall sa sb : string, { sa = sb } + { sa <> sb }.
repeat decide equality.
forall sa sb : string, { sa = sb } + { sa <> sb }.
repeat decide equality.
Extraction string_eq_autodec.
(** val string_eq_autodec : string -> string -> bool **) let rec string_eq_autodec s sb0 = match s with | EmptyString -> (match sb0 with | EmptyString -> true | String (a, s0) -> false) | String (a, s0) -> (match sb0 with | EmptyString -> false | String (a0, s1) -> let Ascii (x, x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6) = a in let Ascii (b7, b8, b9, b10, b11, b12, b13, b14) = a0 in (match x with | True -> (match b7 with | True -> (match x0 with | True -> (* ... hundreds of lines ... *)
The hand-written one looks much better:
Extraction string_eq_dec.
(** val string_eq_dec : string -> string -> bool **) let rec string_eq_dec sa sb = match sa with | EmptyString -> (match sb with | EmptyString -> true | String (a, s) -> false) | String (ch_a, tl_a) -> (match sb with | EmptyString -> false | String (ch_b, tl_b) -> if ascii_dec ch_a ch_b then string_eq_dec tl_a tl_b else false)
Lexicographic Order
We now try to specify and implement the lexicographic order on strings.
For the order on Ascii characters, we will use nat_of_ascii and then the order on naturals. There are a few theorems on that embedding:
Check ascii_nat_embedding.
ascii_nat_embedding : forall a : ascii, ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii a) = a
Check nat_ascii_embedding.
nat_ascii_embedding : forall n : nat, n < 256 -> nat_of_ascii (ascii_of_nat n) = n
We first specify what it means for 2 strings to be in lexicographic order.
Inductive in_lex_order: string -> string -> Prop :=
| lexord_empty_strings: (* "" <= "" *)
in_lex_order EmptyString EmptyString
| lexord_chars_different: (* "A..." <= "B..." *)
forall (c1 c2: ascii) (s1 s2: string),
nat_of_ascii c1 < nat_of_ascii c2 ->
in_lex_order (String c1 s1) (String c2 s2)
| lexord_chars_equal: (* s1 <= s2 -> As1 <= As2 *)
forall (c: ascii) (s1 s2: string),
in_lex_order s1 s2 ->
in_lex_order (String c s1) (String c s2)
| lexord_string_shorter: (* "aaa" <= "aaaaa" *)
forall s, in_lex_order EmptyString s.
| lexord_empty_strings: (* "" <= "" *)
in_lex_order EmptyString EmptyString
| lexord_chars_different: (* "A..." <= "B..." *)
forall (c1 c2: ascii) (s1 s2: string),
nat_of_ascii c1 < nat_of_ascii c2 ->
in_lex_order (String c1 s1) (String c2 s2)
| lexord_chars_equal: (* s1 <= s2 -> As1 <= As2 *)
forall (c: ascii) (s1 s2: string),
in_lex_order s1 s2 ->
in_lex_order (String c s1) (String c s2)
| lexord_string_shorter: (* "aaa" <= "aaaaa" *)
forall s, in_lex_order EmptyString s.
We add the 4 constructors to auto's database.
Hint Constructors in_lex_order.
Let's check it with a few examples(Of course, it is by doing the examples that I got the inductive definition right little by little ;)) … ex_lex_03 made me fight a bit. Here is the first version: After forcing the unfolding of not,
Example ex_lex_01: in_lex_order "AAA" "AAB".
Proof. auto. Qed.
Example ex_lex_02: in_lex_order "AAA" "AAA".
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Example ex_lex_02: in_lex_order "AAA" "AAA".
Proof. auto. Qed.
Example ex_lex_03: ~ in_lex_order "AAB" "AAA".
Proof. unfold not. intros.
Time repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
repeat match goal with
H: S _ <= _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H; subst
(* Proof Completed. *)
Proof. unfold not. intros.
Time repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
repeat match goal with
H: S _ <= _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H; subst
(* Proof Completed. *)
- we invert all the hypotheses using our inductive proposition;
- we force the computation of the nat_of_ascii functions;
- we invert the (false) inequalities.
Proof completed. Finished transaction in 1. secs (0.u,1.71174s)The type-checking of the proof gets even worse:
Time Qed.
ex_lex_03 is defined Finished transaction in 8. secs (6.997937u,0.046993s)
The problem is the last repeated step, on the inequalities. Just remember, when we play with naturals, omega is our friend. ex_lex_05 works like ex_lex_03:
Require Import Omega.
Example ex_lex_03': ~ in_lex_order "AAB" "AAA".
unfold not; intros.
repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
match goal with H: S _ <= _ |- _ => omega end.
Time Qed.
Example ex_lex_03': ~ in_lex_order "AAB" "AAA".
unfold not; intros.
repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
match goal with H: S _ <= _ |- _ => omega end.
Time Qed.
ex_lex_03' is defined Finished transaction in 0. secs (0.040994u,0.s)
Example ex_lex_04: in_lex_order "AAA" "AAAA".
Proof. auto. Qed.
Proof. auto. Qed.
Example ex_lex_05: ~ in_lex_order "AAAA" "AAA".
Proof. unfold not. intros.
repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
match goal with H: S _ <= _ |- _ => omega end.
Proof. unfold not. intros.
repeat match goal with
H: in_lex_order _ _ |- _ =>
inversion H; clear H
repeat match goal with
H: nat_of_ascii _ < nat_of_ascii _ |- _ =>
compute in H
match goal with H: S _ <= _ |- _ => omega end.
That was the specification; now the implementation. We just give a name to the intended return type:
Definition lexicographic_decision (a b : string) :=
{ in_lex_order a b } + { ~ (in_lex_order a b) }.
{ in_lex_order a b } + { ~ (in_lex_order a b) }.
First, we will need this lemma about nat_of_ascii.
Lemma nat_of_ascii_injective:
forall c1 c2, nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2 -> c1 = c2.
intros; simpl.
assert (ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c1) =
ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c2))
as Hinvol. auto.
repeat rewrite ascii_nat_embedding in Hinvol.
forall c1 c2, nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2 -> c1 = c2.
intros; simpl.
assert (ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c1) =
ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c2))
as Hinvol. auto.
repeat rewrite ascii_nat_embedding in Hinvol.
nat_of_ascii_injective is used to prove the following one, which will allow intuition auto to finish its job nicely:
Lemma tricky_step_in_decide_lex_order:
forall c1 c2 s1 s2,
~ nat_of_ascii c1 < nat_of_ascii c2 ->
~ nat_of_ascii c2 < nat_of_ascii c1 ->
in_lex_order s1 s2 ->
in_lex_order (String c1 s1) (String c2 s2).
assert (nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2) as c1_c2_nat_eq.
apply nat_of_ascii_injective in c1_c2_nat_eq; subst; auto.
forall c1 c2 s1 s2,
~ nat_of_ascii c1 < nat_of_ascii c2 ->
~ nat_of_ascii c2 < nat_of_ascii c1 ->
in_lex_order s1 s2 ->
in_lex_order (String c1 s1) (String c2 s2).
assert (nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2) as c1_c2_nat_eq.
apply nat_of_ascii_injective in c1_c2_nat_eq; subst; auto.
And now is the definition of decide_lex_order. We use Compare_dec.lt_dec to compare naturals, it has a sumbool type too(Note that there is also lt_eq_lt_dec but we are not ready to use it for now (it is a sumbool embedded in a sumor, so, maybe another time :)).):
forall n m : nat, {n < m} + {~ n < m}
Require Import Compare_dec.
Definition decide_lex_order:
forall a b : string, lexicographic_decision a b.
refine (fix fcontinue a b: lexicographic_decision a b :=
match a, b with
| EmptyString, EmptyString => Decide_left
| EmptyString, _ => Decide_left
| _, EmptyString => Decide_right
| String c1 s1, String c2 s2 =>
match lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c1) (nat_of_ascii c2) with
| Decide_left => Decide_left
| Decide_right =>
match lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c2) (nat_of_ascii c1) with
| Decide_left => Decide_right
| Decide_right => Decide_with (fcontinue s1 s2)
solve [
intuition auto using tricky_step_in_decide_lex_order
| match goal with
|- ~ in_lex_order _ _ =>
unfold not; intro H; inversion H;
subst; intuition auto
end ].
Definition decide_lex_order:
forall a b : string, lexicographic_decision a b.
refine (fix fcontinue a b: lexicographic_decision a b :=
match a, b with
| EmptyString, EmptyString => Decide_left
| EmptyString, _ => Decide_left
| _, EmptyString => Decide_right
| String c1 s1, String c2 s2 =>
match lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c1) (nat_of_ascii c2) with
| Decide_left => Decide_left
| Decide_right =>
match lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c2) (nat_of_ascii c1) with
| Decide_left => Decide_right
| Decide_right => Decide_with (fcontinue s1 s2)
solve [
intuition auto using tricky_step_in_decide_lex_order
| match goal with
|- ~ in_lex_order _ _ =>
unfold not; intro H; inversion H;
subst; intuition auto
end ].
unfold not in *; intros; auto.
inversion H.
inversion H. intuition.
subst. intuition.
assert (nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2). omega.
Lemma nat_of_ascii_injective: forall c1 c2,
nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2 -> c1 = c2.
intros; simpl.
assert (ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c1) =
ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c2)).
repeat rewrite ascii_nat_embedding in H0.
apply nat_of_ascii_injective in H.
inversion H; subst.
intuition auto.
intuition auto.
inversion H.
inversion H. intuition.
subst. intuition.
assert (nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2). omega.
Lemma nat_of_ascii_injective: forall c1 c2,
nat_of_ascii c1 = nat_of_ascii c2 -> c1 = c2.
intros; simpl.
assert (ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c1) =
ascii_of_nat (nat_of_ascii c2)).
repeat rewrite ascii_nat_embedding in H0.
apply nat_of_ascii_injective in H.
inversion H; subst.
intuition auto.
intuition auto.
Eval compute in (decide_lex_order "AAA" "BBB").
= Decide_left : lexicographic_decision "AAA" "BBB"
Time Eval compute in (decide_lex_order "AAA" "ABB").
= Decide_left : lexicographic_decision "AAA" "ABB" Finished transaction in 4. secs (0.u,3.544461s)
Time Eval compute in (decide_lex_order "AAA" "AAB").
= Decide_left : lexicographic_decision "AAA" "AAB" Finished transaction in 9. secs (0.u,8.202753s)
Time Eval compute in (decide_lex_order "AA" "A").
= Decide_right : lexicographic_decision "AA" "A" Finished transaction in 13. secs (0.u,12.995024s)
The tactic vm_compute does not seem to improve the speed there. But anyway, the important performance-wise is the OCaml code, and it looks pretty good:
Extraction decide_lex_order.
(** val decide_lex_order : string -> string -> lexicographic_decision **) let rec decide_lex_order a b = match a with | EmptyString -> true | String (c1, s1) -> (match b with | EmptyString -> false | String (c2, s2) -> if lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c1) (nat_of_ascii c2) then true else if lt_dec (nat_of_ascii c2) (nat_of_ascii c1) then false else decide_lex_order s1 s2)
Now we have subsets ({ _ : _ | _ }) and decisions ({ _ } + { _ }); next time we will try to play with the sumor type.
Sebastien Mondet
Site generated thanks to bracetax, camlmix, sebib, and more …
Updated on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 12:46:34 -0500.
Sebastien Mondet
Updated on Sat, 10 Dec 2011 12:46:34 -0500.
Sebastien Mondet
